#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "garage-config.h" // #define TI_DEBUG const char* wifi_ssid = WIFI_SSID; const char* wifi_pass = WIFI_PASS; // Grafana IPAddress influxdb_ip(INFLUXDB_IP); long influxdb_port = INFLUXDB_PORT; unsigned int localPort = 2390; // MilliSeconds unsigned long previousMillis = millis(); long unsigned poll_int = POLL_INT; String city = CITY; String location = LOCATION; WiFiUDP Udp; // Temp #define DHTPIN 19 #define DHTTYPE DHT22 DHT_Unified dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // Uptime timer boolean tick1sec=0;// one for interrupt, don't mess with unsigned long uptime=0; // save value we can use in sketch even if we're interrupted // Used to indicate if we need to send all date or just modified ones boolean fulldata = false; HardwareSerial TinfoSerial(2); TInfo tinfo; String tinfo_SINSTS; String tinfo_SINSTS1; String tinfo_SINSTS2; String tinfo_SINSTS3; String tinfo_IRMS1; String tinfo_IRMS2; String tinfo_IRMS3; String tinfo_URMS1; String tinfo_URMS2; String tinfo_URMS3; String tinfo_EAST; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); TinfoSerial.begin(9600,SERIAL_7E1,22,23); pinMode(22, INPUT_PULLUP); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); } dht.begin(); sensor_t sensor; dht.temperature().getSensor(&sensor); dht.humidity().getSensor(&sensor); tinfo.init(TINFO_MODE_STD); tinfo.attachDataStd(DataCallback); } void loop() { if (millis() - previousMillis > POLL_INT) { fulldata = true; previousMillis = millis(); // Check wifi connexion if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) { int retry = 0; WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS); while (retry < 10 || WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { retry++; delay(500); } } if ( WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED ) { Serial.println("DEBUG wifi connected, start temp measure"); sensors_event_t event; dht.temperature().getEvent(&event); if (isnan(event.temperature)) { // Error } else { sendToInfluxDB("temperature,city="+city+",location="+location, "value", String(event.temperature)); } dht.humidity().getEvent(&event); if (isnan(event.relative_humidity)) { // Error } else { sendToInfluxDB("humidity,city="+city+",location="+location, "value", String(event.relative_humidity)); } sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "SINSTS", tinfo_SINSTS); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "SINSTS1", tinfo_SINSTS1); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "SINSTS2", tinfo_SINSTS2); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "SINSTS3", tinfo_SINSTS3); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "IRMS1", tinfo_IRMS1); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "IRMS2", tinfo_IRMS2); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "IRMS3", tinfo_IRMS3); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "URMS1", tinfo_URMS1); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "URMS2", tinfo_URMS2); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "URMS3", tinfo_URMS3); sendToInfluxDB("teleinfo,city="+city+",location="+location, "EAST", tinfo_EAST); } } if ( TinfoSerial.available() ) { tinfo.process(TinfoSerial.read()); } } void sendToInfluxDB(String measure, String key, String value) { String line = measure+" "+key+"="+value; Serial.println("Sending to influxdb: "+line); Udp.begin(localPort); Udp.beginPacket(influxdb_ip, influxdb_port); Udp.print(line); Udp.endPacket(); } void DataCallback(char * tilabel, char * tihoro, char * tivalue) { if (strcmp(tilabel, "SINSTS") == 0 ) { tinfo_SINSTS = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "SINSTS1") == 0 ) { tinfo_SINSTS1 = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "SINSTS2") == 0 ) { tinfo_SINSTS2 = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "SINSTS3") == 0 ) { tinfo_SINSTS3 = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "IRMS1") == 0 ) { tinfo_IRMS1 = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "IRMS2") == 0 ) { tinfo_IRMS2 = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "IRMS3") == 0 ) { tinfo_IRMS3 = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "URMS1") == 0 ) { tinfo_URMS1 = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "URMS2") == 0 ) { tinfo_URMS2 = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "URMS3") == 0 ) { tinfo_URMS3 = String(atol(tivalue)); } if (strcmp(tilabel, "EAST") == 0 ) { tinfo_EAST = String(atol(tivalue)); } }